Join us

…on a journey in which we’ll explore questions about life, faith, and God.

Are you wondering about the meaning of life? Are you looking for direction in your life? Do you have questions about your faith?

If so, join Alpha, a 10-week course that explores the basis of Christian faith.

When and where?

The series will kick off with an introductory meeting, date and place to be announced

You can join us by emailing us at

For more information, continue reading below the image.


Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basis of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create discussion. Alpha is for people searching for answers as well as others who would like to refresh their faith.

Begin the Greatest Alpha Adventure

The course uses the Alpha Film Series, a new dynamic resource which will take everyone on the Alpha journey. It brings the Bible truths out of the classroom and into a dynamic travel adventure setting featuring stories from all around the world with people from different backgrounds and cultures. The series explores the basics of the Christian faith in a way that everyone can relate to.

These short films are designed to engage and inspire conversation. They are usually around thirty minutes long. They explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions such as Who is Jesus?, How can we have faith?, Why and how do I pray? and Who is the Holy Spirit?

Alpha is about questions and so we believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view in an informal and relaxed setting. Alpha is an informative, fun-filled and dynamic course that can be life-changing.

Alpha evenings and weekend

We will be starting the Alpha course in the autumn of 2024

The course consists of 10 evenings (2.5hr/evening) and in the middle there is a weekend (Saturday and Sunday until 14.30).

A typical Alpha evening begins at 19.30. After a brief introduction, one of the Alpha films based on the subject of the evening will be shown. This will be followed by the discussion in a small group setting in both English and Dutch. The evening always closes at 22.00.

The discussion is the most important part of any Alpha and gives everyone the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and simply discuss it in a small group setting. There’s no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing you cannot say. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective.

In Alpha we will use English films with Dutch subtitles and workbooks in both English and Dutch. There are English and Dutch discussion groups every evening.

The course is free, but there is a small donation asked for the weekend.

Start of Alpha

The next Alpha will start with the Alpha Introduction meeting in IC The Garden, Laren at 13.00 on October 2. Come enjoy some food and get a taste of what the course is like. Following a brief introduction and a short Alpha film you will be able to ask questions about the course. Everyone is encouraged to come and see as there is no compulsion to join the course.

If you are interested in joining the course you can fill in a registration form or simply email us at You will receive a welcome reply.