Easter Service 17 April
sun17apr10:00Easter Service 17 AprilBOOMBERGLAAN 6, HILVERSUM

Event Details
Love conquers all – Even death on a cross! Easter Sunday, is one of the best days of the year since on that day we celebrate that Jesus rose from the
Event Details
Love conquers all – Even death on a cross!
Easter Sunday, is one of the best days of the year since on that day we celebrate that Jesus rose from the grave. And since Jesus conquered death, eternal life is now available to all who believe in Him! That is the Good News that we celebrate on April 17th.
Sharing in this eternal life is symbolized by the joyful event of being baptized by immersion. And those who have not been baptized by immersion yet, have a unique chance to do so on this very special day!
If you are interested in being baptized or if you want to know more, please reach out to your Homegroup leader, Evert, Géraldine, or one of the elders.
Join us in this celebration of both events. Both services are in English and Dutch with a fun and special program for the kids!
Time: 10.00 AM (normal service)
Time: 12.00 PM (baptism service
Address: Boomberglaan 6 in Hilversum
(Sunday) 10:00
The Aula
Langsakker 4, 1251 GB
Postbus 938
1200 AX Hilversum
Meet us on Sunday
- Nassaulaan 22
- 1213 BC Hilversum
Online donation