Sunday's Service 6 March
sun06mar11:00Sunday's Service 6 MarchGrowing in Worship (How/What?)

Event Details
On Sunday, 6 March, we will get together again! This time the message will be brought by Daniel Vermunt, who will talk about Growing in Worship (How/What?). We are really looking forward
Event Details
On Sunday, 6 March, we will get together again!
This time the message will be brought by Daniel Vermunt, who will talk about Growing in Worship (How/What?).
We are really looking forward to singing and worshiping, to listening to the Word of God, to having fellowship, and to growing together as a family in Christ.
We welcome all guests and new comers to our main aula. In case of overflow, we offer a seat in the coffee area where the main service can be followed on a screen. The kids can go directly to their own service.
So please come on time to find your seat!
We are looking forward to seeing you again! And if this will be your first time visiting us, we are excited to meet you!
Venue: The Aula
Address: Langsakker 4, 1251 GB Laren
Doors open at 10:30 AM. The service starts at 11:00 AM.
Our covid policy for Sunday services is as follows:
Everyone takes his own responsibility regarding personal safety and for your neighbour. By this we mean that we respect everyone’s freedom of choice to act in a responsible way. If you prefer not to get together in a large group, we have the Livestream available to watch at home. For anyone who does like to meet, we kindly ask you to take the following into account:
We kindly do ask you to stay home if you have COVID related symptoms.
- When entering the church please disinfect your hands and do not shake hands.
- In case of doubt and if you have been in close contact with someone who has Covid, take a self test at home. However, we will not work with CTB (covid test proof) upon entrance.
Above all the measurements we encourage each other to look after each other.
(Sunday) 11:00
The Aula
Langsakker 4, 1251 GB
Postbus 938
1200 AX Hilversum
Meet us on Sunday
- Nassaulaan 22
- 1213 BC Hilversum
Online donation