Sunday Service 6 August

sun06aug11:00Sunday Service 6 AugustSpecial Summer Services

Event Details


Special Summer Services

From 30 July to 27 August

Instead of our usual church services, we will be hosting a special Summer program, “Prayer & Acoustic Worship Service”, to give our teams a well deserved break. Join us for mornings of fellowship, praise, and prayer.

Bring your own picnic baskets and snacks, and let us return to our roots in the Garden – with food and fellowship.

Elders will be present as well, but please note that all ministry teams will be on a break, and as such there will be no daycare/children’s service during these weekends. Parents will be responsible for their children, so please bring something to entertain them.

Note that our summer schedule will go for 5 Sundays from 30 July to 27 August.


Venue: The Aula

Address: Langsakker 4, 1251 GB Laren

Doors open at 10:30 AM. The service starts at 11:00 AM.


(Sunday) 11:00


The Aula

Langsakker 4, 1251 GB